If you live in a state that has a warm climate, high temperatures and humidity aren’t the only things you have to worry about. Ohio is among one of the many states that struggle with termites once Spring arrives. As small as these creatures are they are terrifying in numbers and cost you thousands in structural damage.
Signs of termites in your home need to be addressed as soon as possible. Keep reading to learn these signs and discover what you should do in those circumstances.
1. You Notice Fight Fitting Doors and Windows
It’s true that hot, damp weather can alter the windows and doors of your home. However, if you notice stiff windows and altered doors, there may be another issue you want to look into. Termites can also be the source that damages your windows and doors.
The moisture from the air that transfers to these areas is the perfect haven for termites to eat. You will notice these bugs are corroding your doors and windows when you find it that it’s now difficult to open your doors and windows.
2. You See Shed Wings
You can have a better idea of which bug you are having trouble with by looking at their wings. One common sign you are dealing with a termite infestation is seeing light-colored shed wings. Termites are ritual creatures and have phases.
The first thing termites want to do is grow in numbers. In order to do that they need to find a partner. Once they mate, they will lose their wings. These wings will vary in size, but range between 6-10 millimeters in length.
Although most shed wings are translucent and light and color, the shade will also vary depending on the species. Other termite species have gray or brown-colored wings. It’s best to take pictures or describe them to a professional home inspector in the event you’re uncertain what bug you have
3. You Hear Clicking Within the Walls
If you live in a house long enough you learn that it’s typical to hear the occasional random noise from the fridge or washing machine. One sound you should be suspicious of though is quiet clicking.
The clicking noise is the sound termites will make if you are curious what they sound like. Another sound you may notice is munching within your walls.
The noises you are are a result of termites banging their heads against the wood. You may also hear it as termites travel and shake their bodies as a way of communicating potential danger.
4. Presence of Mud Tubes
Remember, termites are ritual creatures so another thing they will do is create mud tubes once there is a colony. These tubes start from the ground and make their way to the wood they are attacking. These tubes are a mist for termites because they provide a home and shelter.
Search inside and outside your house to see if you notice mud tubes. They are wet when fresh and dry when older. Mud tubes are tubular and are yellowish-brown in appearance.
They are the most visible when termites create them across concrete or other exposed surfaces you can see. Termites also place mud tubes in less noticeable areas. It’s important to look underneath flooring, along cracks, or behind the siding of your home to see if you notice mud tubes too.
5. The Appearance of Droppings
Another common sign you are dealing with pest infestation is the appearance of droppings. Although many people refer to bugs as dirty, most are quite organized.
Termites like to build a tidy home within the colonies they create. They accomplish this by tunneling holes in wood. In order to ensure their tunnels remain clear termites will remove their fecal matter. The droppings, or frass, you see is comparable to coffee grounds or sawdust.
6. There Are “White Ants” or Swarmers
If there is one sure sign you are dealing with termite infestation it’s the presence of swarmers or white ants. Swarmers are also known as alates and one important task is to locate a mate in order to create a new colony. That colony will likely be in or around your home.
There are a variety of species that come in different sizes and have different traits. For example, certain species may be more active during nightfall while others are more active during the day. There are other species that are similar to moths and are attracted to light sources.
Ants come in a number of colors, but not white. This color is particular to termites.
Another feature termites have is a thin waistline compared to ants. If you see a live bug, take a look at the color and waist to determine if it’s a termite.
7. Tunneling of Wood
Termites are notorious for creating tunnels in wood. Still, these tunnels may not always be easy to see or notice if they are not exposed. You may need to inspect all wooded material in your home to see if you notice tunneling.
Anytime you do notice tunneling or broken pieces of wood surrounding your home, you can be certain termites are making a colony. Tunneling destroys the foundation of wood structures in the home so the earlier you catch it the better. Preventing excessive damage to your home due to termites is a priority.
Get Professional Home Inspection for Signs of Termites
Termites aren’t bugs that willingly leave on their own. You have to force them out of your home. You need immediate pest control should you experience signs of termites. Even the smallest infestation can quickly turn into a major one if you leave it alone.
Termite infestation costs homeowners billions each year. It is possible to save your home and prevent significant damage by getting a professional inspection.
Contact us at 440-812-3051 for help in exterminating the problem. Having termites is an unsafe health and living condition you want to eliminate the right way.