For most buyers, the inspection day is exciting. After all, it’s the first time they get to go inside the home since the initial offer was made. In most cases, it’s also the final walkthrough. Even more importantly, it’s your chance to ensure you know what you’re getting into regarding the condition of the home.

While the home inspection in Cleveland is a crucial part of the home buying process, it’s best to know a bit more about it before the day of the inspection arrives. Keep reading for some important information about home inspections, what you need to consider, and mistakes to avoid.

Find the Right Inspector

Long before inspection day, you need to make sure you hire the right inspector for the job. Far too many buyers hire whoever their real estate agent recommends without doing any research. Keep in mind, though, the inspection is only good as the person who’s doing it.

A few questions you need to ask when first hiring an inspector include:

  • How long have they been inspecting homes?
  • What are their certifications, training, and qualifications?
  • How many inspections have they done?
  • What was their job before they were a home inspector?

It’s important to find a certified professional who remains current in industry trends. There’s quite a bit of stuff to know, and it’s important to find someone who keeps up with ongoing education.

On Inspection Day

It’s important to be present with your agent the entire time the inspection is being done. It’s possible the seller’s agent is going to be there too, that way they can provide any answers the inspectors may need. It’s a good idea to block off your entire afternoon or morning. Remember, home inspections take time, and you don’t want to rush it.

During the inspection process, follow the inspector as much as possible. While you don’t have to follow the inspector into the crawlspace, but any time it is reasonable, you should go, too. Despite how you may feel, you aren’t being a pest.

As you go along with your inspector, they will explain the home’s system’s and provide you with basic maintenance tips. All this information should also be on the final report, as well as pictures. But being able to hear and see everything in person is extremely beneficial.

There’s a good chance the inspection day is going to be a whirlwind of activity. As a result, you may be a bit nervous about what the inspector is going to find. It’s going to help you to be prepared.

The Home Inspection Checklist

You should begin preparing for the inspection when you tour the home for the first time before you ever make an offer. This is going to give you an idea of any area you want the inspector to look at carefully. A quality inspector is going to address all these issues in the report you are paying for.

To help you with this process, use this checklist. If any of the following items aren’t included in the inspection, you need to find out why.

The Lot

One of the first things to look at is the drainage outside the house. Does water move away from the house? Are there any soggy areas in the yard?

The Foundation

It’s essential to have the base of the walls and the ceilings carefully inspected in each room. Are there any obvious shifts or cracks present? The same type of inspection needs to be done around the exterior. Do you notice any trees growing too close to the foundation?

The Heating and Cooling System

Is the heating and cooling system past its prime? Does it look old? If the system was converted at some point, are the older tanks or systems still present?

The Roof

The roof is one of the most protective elements of your entire home. As such, it needs to be inspected carefully. Does the condition of the roof look good? Also, find out when it was replaced last.

The Appliances

First, you have to find out if the sellers are including the appliances. If so, find out the age of the refrigerator, dishwasher, and stove.

The Home’s Exterior

Does it look as though the house is going to need to be repainted or have repaired in the near future? Are the downspouts and gutters attached firmly? Is there any asbestos in the exterior materials? If so, this would add on additional costs for repairs or replacement.

The Attic and Crawlspace

It’s absolutely essential that the attic and crawlspace are inspected carefully. Are there any signs of leaks or moisture?

The Electrical System

Do all the switches and outlets work? Are there any visible signs of a malfunction? Are all the outlets grounded? Is the panel updated and expandable for new appliances or a home remodel?

The Plumbing System

Find out if the sewer line has ever been scoped to check for any cracks or other issues in the past. Also, do you hear any unusual sounds?

The Seller’s Disclosure Statement

In addition to using your nose, ears, and eyes, it’s also important to get a seller’s disclosure statement before the inspection. This statement can help you find anything you want your inspector to take a look at.

If the seller discloses there was a leaky window that was replaced or repaired, then it’s a good idea to have your inspector pay more attention to this part of the home.

Your Home Inspection in Cleveland: Don’t Leave it to Chance

Getting a home inspection in Cleveland is a crucial part of any home purchase. This is not something you can skimp on or ignore. If you fail to find the right inspector or ensure all the right parts of the home are inspected, it can lead to serious problems down the road.

If you need to schedule an inspection, it’s a good idea to contact us. We can provide you with the quality inspection services you need and give you confidence that you are purchasing a home that doesn’t have any serious problems or issues.